Spring 2024
Language: Estonian (original title: Ülikoolide maine)
Format: MS Power BI
About this report
This report gives an overview of the reputation of Estonia universities and higher education institutions. In addition, one can find out what fields are the most perspective among Estonian inhabitants.
Information provided in this report is aimed at anyone interested in higher education topics in Estonia.
Table of contents (List of Power BI dashboards)
- Spontaneous awareness
- Three-year reputation ranking of universities and higher education institutions in Estonia
- Evaluations of the image of Estonian universities/higher education institutions
- University reputation profile of those who know the respective university
- Average university reputation ratings from those who know the respective university
- Further study plans at higher education institutions
- degree programs
- micro-credentials
- TRI*M methodology
- TRI*M Index
- TRI*M components
- Comprehensive TRI*M analysis and summary of seven universities*
- The general reputation of higher education programs in the population
All sections have in-depth summary and conclusions.
Participating universities in 2024 with a more in-depth analysis
- University of Tartu
- Tallinn University of Technology
- Tallinn University
- Estonian University of Life Sciences
- Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
- Estonian Business School
- Estonia Academy of Arts
About TRI*M index
TRI*M is an image indicator, which is calculated by using 5 main questions. In addition to the perception of the general reputation, the basic questions include the evaluation of competence with a rational orientation and emotional pleasantness. On the basis of the TRI*M index, you can compare yourself with different competitors, compare your image in different target groups, and monitor changes over time. TRI*M helps to map strengths and weaknesses to identify and prioritize development activities needed.
CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) conducted once a year.
Target group: Estonian people aged 15-60.
Sample: 1516 Estonian inhabitants
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