Spring 2024
Produced by Kantar Emor
Language: Estonian (original title: Rohekuvand 2024)
Format: MS Power BI
The study reveals
‒ how important is the environmental sustainability by attitude
‒ which brands represent the green mindset the best
Survey focus
We mapped in the survey:
− How important is the environmental sustainability is for Estonian people.
- Whose RESPONSIBILITY it is perceived to help tackle climate change and environmental issues: international organizations / government / companies-brands / people like me / NGOs and non-profit; who is perceived as taking significant ACTIONS?
- Will a solution to the climate change primarily come from change in our BEHAVIOR & CONSUMPTION pattern or from INNOVATION and TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT?
- The importance of environmental friendliness of used PRODUCTS & SERVICES as well as the green mindset of MANUFACTURERS-SERVICE PROVIDERS
- What is considered the MOST IMPORTANT in terms of environmental friendliness of a product / service
- Are people WILLING TO PAY MORE for an environmentally friendly product / service
- OVERALL ATTITUDES towards climate change and environmental friendly consumption
− Which well-known product and service brands are perceived to have the green mindset in the opinion of Estonian people.
- Green mindset of the brands / companies BY SECTOR, i.e. how environmentally friendly my brand is compared to a companies / brands of similar field of activity
- Green mindset of the brands / companies BY SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC and ATTITUDINAL SEGMENTS
Table of contents:
- Estonian perspectives on assessments of environmental sustainability and possible solutions to climate change.
- Comparative assessments by country of their own, others', and institutional environmental sustainability.
- Perception of potential solutions to climate change and inter-country comparisons.
- The importance of product and service environmental friendliness.
- Willingness to pay more for environmental friendliness.
- Brands with a green mindset across different sectors.
- Intra-industry and cross-industry green image of brands/companies.
- Brands' environmental consciousness segmented by target audience.
- Brand clusters.
Report includes the summary and conclusions of the results.
CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) conducted once a year.
Target groups: Estonian residents aged 15-74
Sample: at least 1000
Brand list 2024
A Le Coq Premium | Adidas | ABB | Alexela | Alma | Apollo | Apotheka | Apple | Bauhof | Benu Apteek | Bigbank | BLRT | Bolt | Circle K | Cleveron | Coop | Coop Pank | Depo | DHL | DPD | Enefit | Eesti Gaas | Eesti Loto | Eesti Pagar | Eesti Raudtee | Elektrilevi | Elering | Elisa | Elron | G4S | Ergo Insurance | Ericsson Eesti | ERR | Espak | Euroapteek | Euronics | Facebook | Farmi | Fazer | Google | Toyota Baltic | Harju Elekter | Helmes | Grossi Toidukaubad | IF Kindlustus | Ikea | Instagram | Itella Smartpost | Itella Smartpost | McDonalds | Kalev | Kaubamaja | K-Rauta | Leibur | LHV | Liviko | Luminor | Lux Express | Makita | Maks & Moorits | Maxima | Merko Ehitus | Microsoft | Mo Saaremaa | Neste | Netflix | Nike | Nordecon | Nortal | Nõo Lihatööstus | Olerex | Omniva | Orkla | Paulig | Pipedrive | Postimees | Prisma | Põltsamaa | Rademar | Radisson | Ragn Sells | Rahva Raamat | Rakvere LK | Rannarootsi | Rimi | RMK | Rocca Al Mare | Saaremaa LT | Saku Õlletehas | Salvest | Samsung | SEB | Selver | Sportland | Spotify | Starship Technologies | Stora Enso | Swedbank | Südameapteek | Tallegg | Tallink | Tallinna Lennujaam | Tallinna Sadam | Tallinna Vesi | Tartu Mill | Tele2 | Telia | Tere | TS Laevad | Utilitas | Valio Eesti | Viking Line | Viru Keemia Grupp | Wise | Wolt | Ülemiste keskus | YouTube
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