June 2024
Language: Estonian (original title: Brändide edetabel: meediabrändid)
Format: MS Power BI
About this report
The report delivers an overview of most loved Estonian media brands, including newspapers, journals, online news portals, TV and radio (altogether 75 various media brands). The report helps to build a wide understanding of highly competitive Estonian media market, by answering questions such as:
- Which media brands are most loved by Estonian people? TOP75
- Why do Estonian people love the brands they marked as their favourite brands?
- Which values and attitudes describe audience of various media brands?
Report includes:
- Spontaneously mentioned favourite media brands;
- RANKING of most favourite brands based on the brand list*;
- Ranking of brands in the breakdown of socio-demographical parameters;
- Audience segments and value orientation;
- Co-mentioning of media brands – which media brands relate to each other;
- Audience´s open comments on media channels. Main media channels have hundreds of open comments opening a rich insight into the minds of their audience;
- Summary and conclusion.
*Brands included in the report:
Ajakiri EMA | Anne & Stiil | Arter | Buduaar | Delfi | Director | Edasi.org | Eesti Ajalugu | Eesti Ekspress | Eesti Loodus | Eesti Naine | Eesti Päevaleht | Elisa Elamus | ERR | ETV | ETV2 | ETV+ | Geenius | Hingele Pai | Horisont | Imeline Ajalugu | Imeline Teadus | Jupiter | Järva Teataja | Kalale! Looduses | Kanal2 | Kanal11 | Kanal12 | Klassikaraadio | Kodu&Aed | Kodukiri | Kodutohter | Kroonika | Käsitöö | Linnaleht | LP | Lõuna-Eesti Postimees | Maa Elu | Maakodu | Maaleht | Meie Maa | MyHits | Naisteleht | National Geographic | Nipiraamat | Oma Maitse | PBK | Pere ja Kodu | Postimees | Pärnu Postimees | Raadio 2 | Raadio 4 | Raadio Elmar | Raadio Kuku | Raadio Tallinn | Ristik | RTR | Saarte Hääl | Sakala | Sirp | Sky Plus | Star FM | Tartu Postimees | Tehnikamaailm | Telia Inspira | Tervis Pluss | Tiiu | Toit&Trend | TV3 | TV6 | Vikerraadio | Virumaa Teataja | Õhtuleht | Äripäev
CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing)
Target group: Estonian people aged 15–74.
Sample: 1094
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