June 2021
Produced by Kantar Emor
Language: English
Format: MS Power BI
About this report
It's hard to imagine marketing without a brand. This report delivers insights to brand strategists and marketing professionals by giving a landscape map of brand prominence and growth opportunities in Latvia. Reach business success today and tomorrow by finding out:
- which brands are in the thoughts and hearts of Latvian people;
- what are the trends in favourite brands;
- how well can the leader brands from other fields compete with technology brands that have lately been on the rise.
Report shows 4-years trend view on:
- Spontaneously mentioned favourite brands;
- RANKING of most favourite brands based on the brand list with logos;
- Ranking of brands by broader share of preferrers;
- Ranking of brands in the breakdown of socio-demographical parameters;
Report includes the summary and conclusions of the results.
Brand list 2021
Acer| Ādažu čipsi | Adidas| airBaltic | Aldaris | Apollo | Apotheka | Apple | Asus | Audi | Avon | Balta | Baltais | Baltcom | Bauskas alus | BENU | Bite | BMW | Bolt | Bosch | BTA | Canon | Cēsu alus | Cido | Circle K | Citadele | Coca Cola | Dailes teātris | Delfi | Diena | Dobeles Dzirnavnieks | Dove | DPD | Draugiem.lv | Dzintars | Ecco | EHR | Ekselence | Electrolux | Elektrum | Elvi | Ergo | Euroaptieka | Facebook | Fazer | Ford | Forevers | Gjensidige | Gmail | Go3 | Google | Grindeks | Guess | Gutta | H&M | Hanzas Maiznīca | Herkuless | Honda | HP | Huawei | If | Iļģuciema kvass | Inbox.lv | Instagram | Intel | Jacobs | Jaunais Rīgas teātris | Kalev | Kārums | Karūna | Ķekava | Ķelmēni | Krievu drāmas teātris | L’Oreal | Lāči | Lāčplēsis | Laima | Lakto | Latvenergo | Latvijas Avīze | Latvijas Balzāms | Latvijas Dzelzceļš | Latvijas Maiznieks | Latvijas Nacionālā opera un Balets | Latvijas Pasts | Latvijas Radio | Latvijas Universitāte | Latvijas valsts meži | Lauma Lingerie | Lavazza | Lexus | LG | Lido | Lielbāta| Liepkalni | Limbažu piens | Lindex | Lipton | LMT | LSM.lv | LTV | Luminor | Madara | Mangaļi | Maxima | Mego | Meness aptieka | Mercedes-Benz | Merrild | Microsoft | Milka | Monton | Nacionālais teātris | Nākotne | Neatkarīgā | Nescafe | Neste | Nike | Nivea | Omniva | Opel | Oriflame | Palmolive | Paulig | Pergale | Philips | Pica Lulu | Pickwick | Pols | Puma | Pūre | Radio Skonto | Radio SWH | Reebok | Reserved | Rēzeknes gaļas kombināts | Rīgas Melnais balzāms | Rīgas Miesnieks | Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte | Rīgas Šampanietis | Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte | Rimi | Rosme | Rūjienas saldējums | Samsung | Seal | SEB | Sony | Spilva | Sportland | Staburadze | Star FM | Stenders | Stockmann | Swedbank | Škoda | Zara | Zelta Zivtiņa | TELE2 | Tere | Tervetes alus | Tesla | Tet (iepriekš Lattelecom) | TikTok | TIO | Top! | Toyota | TV3 | Tvnet | Twitter | Vaide | Valmiermuižas alus | Viada | Virši | Volkswagen | Volvo | Wolt | Xiaomi | YouTube |
CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) conducted once a year.
Target group: Latvian people aged 15–74.
Sample: at least 1000
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