Fall 2024
Language: Estonian (original title: Eesti suurettevõtete tuntus ja maine)
Format: MS Power BI
About this report
This survey will give an overview of the image leaderboard among the large enterprises in Estonia (across the fields of activity), answering the following questions:
- How well-known is my enterprise?
- What kind of an image my enterprise has among the Estonian people, considering the overall attitude towards it as well as the perceived strength?
- What kind of trends are prevailing concerning the attitudes towards my enterprise, direct competitors, other strong market players?
- What are the trends in different fields – which field’s enterprises are on a rise and which on a fall?
Report shows trendview on:
- Aided awareness of enterprises (pre-given list of companies*);
- Ranking of large enterprises by image, including
- Likeability, as average score measured on a 10-point scale (positive-negative)
- Perceived strength, as average score measured on a 10-point scale (strong-weak)
- Total image index (the combination of the two abovementioned indicators)
- Long-term trend (2003-2024) per company on the brand list* and comparison with companies in the field.
- Report includes the summary and conclusions of the results.
*The survey involves most successful companies in Turnover TOP published by business newspaper Äripäev.
CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) conducted once a year.
Target group: Estonian people in ages 15–74.
Sample: at least 1000
Brand list (2024) *
A. Le Coq | Aldar Eesti (SuperAlko, CityAlko) | ABB | Alexela | Amserv | Apollo | Baltic Agro | Bauhof | BigBank | BLRT | Bolt | Circle K Eesti | Compensa Life Vienna Insurance Group | Coop | Decora | DHL | Eesti Energia | Eesti Gaas | Eesti Loto | Eesti Pagar | Eesti Post (Omniva) | Ekspress Grupp | Elektrilevi | Elektrum | Elering | Elisa Eesti | ELKE Grupp | Enefit Power | Enefit Green | E-Piim | Ergo Insurance | Ergo Insurance | Espak | Estravel | Farmi | G4S Eesti | Go Group | Graanul Invest | Harju Elekter | HK Scan Estonia | Hobby Hall Group | If P&C Insurance | Inbank | Infortar | Kaubamaja | Kaupmees & Co | Kesko Senukai Estonia (K-rauta) | Kia Auto | LHV | Lidl | Liviko | Luminor Bank | Maag Grupp | Maxima Eesti | Merko Ehitus | Metaprint | Neste Eesti | Nordecon | Nordic Aviation Group | Norma | NPM Silmet | Olerex | Optimera Estonia (Ehituse ABC) | Orkla Eesti (Kalev, Põltsamaa Felix) | Pipedrive | Prisma Peremarket | Ramirent | Riigi Kinnisvara | Rimi Eesti Food | RMK (Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskus) | Ruukki Products | Saku Õlletehas | SEB Pank | Selver | Siemens Eesti | Sportland | Stokker | Stora Enso Eesti | Swedbank | Tallink | Tallinna Sadam | Tartu Mill | Terminal | Tavid | Tele2 Eesti | Telia Eesti | Tere | Thermory | Toyota Baltic | TREV-2 Grupp | Utilitas | Valio Eesti | Viljandi Aken ja Uks | Viru Keemia Grupp | YIT Eesti
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