Produced by Kantar Emor
Language: Estonian (Original title: Tarbimislaenudetoodete ja -pakkujate uuring 2024)
Format: MS Power BI
About this report
The consumer loan products and providers survey report provides a general and comparative overview of the customer experience level of loan companies in Estonia. The information presented in this report is aimed at customer experience and marketing specialists.
Key topics of the survey:
Recognition of service providers– which brands can people spontaneously name? Which ones do they know aidedly? How well-known is your brand among the people of Estonia?
Use of consumer loan products - which consumer loan products have people used in the last 3 years? Which ones are they interested in the future?
Contact with service providers– which brands have people come into contact with, which services have they used? What is the customer's home bank for daily banking?
General attitude towards consumer loans– is there openness to using consumer loans?
Which characteristics do people take into consideration the most while choosing the service provider?
What is the main basis for deciding which service provider to take a consumer loan from?
Image– which consumer loan provider seems the most reliable, the most customer-friendly, the most user-friendly? We map different image aspects for all loan providers that the respondent knows.
NPS– Net Promoter Score is a widely used measure of customer experience, based on the question "How likely are you to recommend company X's services to your friends-acquaintances?".
Information sources used before taking out a consumer loan/choosing a service provider.
For what purposes are consumer loans taken?
CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) conducted once a year.
Target group: Estonian people aged 18–74.
Sample: 1000 Estonian inhabitants, representative sample.
Technical info
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List of brands
AutoPay, Bigbank, Bondora, Boonuslaen, Citadele, Coop Pank, Credit24, Creditea, Creditstar, ESTO, Ferratum, Fjord Bank, Holm (Liisi), Hüpoteeklaen, Inbank, Kreditex, Laen.ee, Smsraha, LHV Pank, Luminor, Mogo, Monefit, Montonio, Moneyzen, Omaraha, Omega laen, Oreon, Raha24, SEB Pank, Swedbank, TF Bank
Consumer loan, home small loan, home improvement loan, car loan, family loan, travel loan, health and beauty loan, student loan, refinancing