Spring 2024
Language: Estonian (original title: Kinnisvarabüroode tuntus ja maine 2024)
Format: Power BI
About this report:
This report provides a unique insight into people's plans for property in Estonia and their experiences of interacting with and buying from estate agents. The survey sample consisted of Estonian residents (aged 15-74).
Information provided in this report is primarily aimed at executives and marketing professionals working in real estate development companies.
Table of contents:
- Plans
People's rental and purchasing plans over the next three years. In addition to people's real estate plans, planned budget and preferred location.
- Real estate agencies awareness and usage
We are measuring real estate agencies spontaneous and assisted awareness, utilization of services, and consideration of psychological price limits.
- Familiarity and user experience of estate agencies
People's attitudes towards estate agencies and the services they offer, their client-friendliness and competitiveness. And we map the most important selection criteria when people are looking for real estate agencies.
List of real estate agencies:
Uus Maa | Arco Vara | Kinnisvaraekspert | Ober Haus | RE/MAX | LAAM Kinnisvara | Doomus Kinnisvara | Pindi Kinnisvara | 1 Partner | Kaanon | LVM Kinnisvara | Tõnisson | Lahe kinnisvara | Prisma Kinnisvara | Skanton Kinnisvara | CKE Kinnisvara | RE Kinnisvara | Kinnisvarakeskus |Raid ja Ko | EPICENTER Kinnisvara | Nord Property | Simus Kinnisvara
CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) conducted once a year.
Target groups: Estonian residents aged 18-74
This survey was conducted second time.
Technical info:
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