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Favourite Food Brands in Estonia 2024 –
Favourite Food Brands in Estonia 2024
Favourite Food Brands in Estonia 2024
Favourite Food Brands in Estonia 2024

Favourite Food Brands in Estonia 2024

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Spring 2024

Produced by Kantar Emor

Language: Estonian (original title: Toidubrändide edetabel 2024)

Format: MS Power BI


About this report:

The study provides an overview of the brand preferences of Estonian people related to food and beverages, helping to understand trends and providing input and feedback for long-term brand management.

  • How does the consumer perceive my brand ‒ in what position is my brand, including how much my brand is loved …​

           … compared to competitors?​

           … in different target groups/consumer segments?​

           preference… among people with different values?​

  • Which food and beverage brands are experiencing increased appeal, which ones are being chosen as favorites less frequently than before? In which direction is the appeal of my brand moving?​
  • How does consumer brand preference vary by industry ‒ which brands in product categories are most preferred, and what are the trends?

About a trend view ...​

  • spontaneously mentioned favorite food brands;​
  • based on the list, selected more pleasant food brands - BRAND RANKING ​in comparison over the last 4 years;​
  • the division of brands into those with broader preference and true favorites within a narrower target group;​


  • of the appeal of food brands among socio-demographic and different value-oriented segments.

An overview of the topics in more detail:

  1. Spontaneously mentioned favourite brands;
  2. RANKING of most favourite brands based on the brand list with logos *;
  3. Ranking of brands by broader share of preferers;
  4. Ranking of brands in the breakdown of socio-demographical parameters and among consumer segments with different values.

Report includes the summary and conclusions of the results.



CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) conducted once a year.

Target groups: Estonian residents aged 15-74

Sample: at least 1000


The list of food brands has been compiled on the basis of out previous ranking studies and other brand research in the food sector.


*Brand list (2024)

A. Le Coq Premium | Alma | Alpro | Andre farm | Aura | Balbiino | Bon Soya | Coca-Cola | Coop | Eesti Juust | Eesti Pagar | Epiim | Estover | Estrella | Farmi | Fazer | Felix| Gefilus | Grossi | Gustav | Haribo | Hesburger | Hiiumaa köök ja pagar | Härmavili | Jacobs | Kadarbiku | Hellmann´s | Karni | Kalev | Karums | Kinder | La Muu | Lavazza | Lays | Leibur | Lidl | Lindt | Linnamäe | Liviko | Luunja kurk | Maks&Morits | Mamma | Matsimoka | Maxima | McDonalds | Merevaik | Milka | Saaremaa Piimatööstus | Nopri | Nõo | Oatly | Orkla | Oskar | Pagaripoisid | Panzani | Paulig | Pepsi Cola  | Pihlaka | Piimameister Otto | Premia | Pringles |  Põhjala | Põltsamaa | Rakvere | Rannamõisa | Rannarootsi | Rimi | Red Bull | Rõngu pagar | Saare | Saaremaa LT | Saku Kuld | Salvest | Santa Maria | Selver | Taffel | Tallegg | Tartu Mill | Tere | Valio | Veski Mati | Viči | Värska Originaal

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